ATTENTION: Followers of Jesus who desire to walk in the full power of their giftings
God Desires for YOU to be a radical carrier of His presence 
Receive an increase of the Presence and power of God and walk confidently in your Spirit-led calling!
Spiritual Gifts
The replay for the webinar with James W. Goll
“How to Grow in Exercising Spiritual Gifts
will be posted here soon
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the full replay for the webinar with James W. Goll
How to Grow in Exercising Spiritual Gifts
(Note: This video includes the Q&A in the latter part)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the replay for the webinar with James W. Goll:
“How to Grow in Exercising Spiritual Gifts”
(Note: This video does not include the Q&A)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the replay for the webinar with James W. Goll:
“How to Grow in Exercising Spiritual Gifts”
(Note: This video does not include the Q&A)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Powerful opening prayer by Dr. James Goll 
"God has set the table before us!"
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James W. Goll
Read This Before 
Going ANY Further
From the Desk of James W. Goll
Franklin, TN
What does it look like to engage with the Holy Spirit? And how can you exercise the gifts that have been given to you?

Maybe you feel stuck, longing to flow in the Spirit, but are unsure how to move forward. 

Or perhaps you are familiar with your gifts, but desire to walk in greater maturity as you follow the leading of the Spirit.
Before ascending to Heaven, Jesus promised to fill His disciples with power through the Holy Spirit.

“You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8 NKJV). 

Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, God empowers His followers to demonstrate His love in a fresh way to a world that desperately needs to know He is real.

These spiritual gifts are not limited to elite Christians or those with polished delivery. Correct and mature exercise of the gifts comes through practice, and no one is an expert on their first try.
Receiving from Heaven
In fact, God loves to work through any of His children who give Him their “yes”—and that includes you!

If you desire to engage in your divine potential, sharpen your spiritual gifts, and usher forth transformational impact for the Kingdom of God, then I invite you to join me in…
Spiritual Gifts
Growing in your 
spiritual gifts
walk confidently in your spirit-led calling
8-Session Class Hosted by James W. Goll
If ever there was a time for every member of the body of Christ to arise and walk in the spiritual gifts God has given them, it is now.

Over the past several years, we have seen a variety of struggles strike the nations of the earth: global pandemics, economic downturns, political upheavals, wars, moral decay, and more.

But despite these struggles — and maybe even because of them — both within the church and without, people are hungrier than ever to experience the genuine presence of God.
  • How would you like to be so in step with the Father that you hear His voice, sense His Presence, and feel His love 24/7?
  • What if you could eliminate striving and simply flow in full assurance of the Father’s adoration and approval?
  • What if you were so infused with God’s love that you “leaked”?
It is time for every believer to prophesy, walk in miracles, minister healing, and step into the full measure of ALL God wants to pour out.

God wants YOU to be a radical carrier of His presence. 

If you’re being honest, do you…
  • Feel confident to walk in your spiritual gifts?
  • Want to grow in the power of God?
  • ​Long to prophesy, release words of knowledge or wisdom, and pray for others to be healed?
  • ​Wish you had leaders to mentor you in the gifts you haven’t yet experienced?
  • ​Desire to grow in faith and the discerning of spirits?
I want to see a worldwide army equipped to walk in the full power of their giftings, so that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can go forth to every person on earth. 

I am assembling some of the top leaders in the body of Christ today to join me in teaching an 8-week LIVE class called “Growing in Your Spiritual Gifts.”

Each of these experienced and recognized fathers and mothers in the faith will address one or more of the 9 spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7–11.

Today, there is a great increase in the operation of the revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the supernatural ways of God are being restored all over the earth. 

If you want to confidently steward the gifts you’ve been given, receive an increase of the presence and power of God, and walk confidently in your Spirit-led calling, then join us for Growing in Your Spiritual Gifts!
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Class Sessions

Course description by James W. Goll

Host: James W. Goll
James W. Goll is the founder of God Encounters Ministries and GOLL Ideation LLC. He has traveled the world sharing the love of Jesus, imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry and life in the Spirit. He has recorded numerous classes with corresponding study guides and is the author of numerous books, including The Seer, The Lost Art of Intercession, The Lifestyle of a Prophet, Praying with God’s Heart and The Discerner. James is the father of four wonderful adult married children with a growing number of grandchildren, and continues to make his home in Franklin, TN.
James W. Goll
Session 1: Tongues & Interpretation of Tongues: with Bishop Bill Hamon
Bishop Bill Hamon is the founder of Christian International Ministries. A prophet for over 60 years, he has prophesied to more than 75,000 people and provided training for over 500,000 in prophetic ministry. He has authored seven major books, specializing in the restoration of the Church and what to expect next on God’s agenda. Dr. Hamon resides in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. He has three children, eleven grandchildren and twenty-two great-grandchildren.
Bishop Bill Hamon
Session 2: Discerning of Spirits: with Becca Greenwood
Becca Greenwood is co-founder of Christian Harvest International, Strategic Prayer Apostolic Network (SPAN), International Freedom Group (IFG), and Christian Harvest Training Center (CHTC). From the time she was a young girl, Rebecca felt a drawing of the Lord that she would be used by Him.
Becca Greenwood
Session 3: Healing: with Joshua Mills
Joshua Mills is an internationally respected, ordained minister, as well as a worship songwriter and recording artist. He is also a keynote conference speaker and bestselling author of many spiritual books and training manuals. Wherever Joshua ministers, the Word of God is confirmed by miraculous signs and wonders that testify of Jesus Christ. Featured together with his wife Janet in several film documentaries and print articles, they have ministered to millions around the world through radio, television, and their weekly webcast, Glory Bible Study. Joshua considers his greatest honor to be a father to their three children—Lincoln, Liberty, and Legacy.
Joshua Mills
Session 4: Miracles: with Joan Hunter
Joan Hunter is a compassionate minister, dynamic teacher, an accomplished author, and an anointed healing evangelist. She ministers the Gospel with manifestations of supernatural signs and wonders in healing school sessions, miracle services, conferences, and churches around the world. She exhibits a sincere desire to see the body of Christ set free in their body, mind, soul, spirit and finances. Joan hosts a powerful and exciting show of her own called “Miracles Happen!.” Joan Hunter and her husband, Kelley, live northwest of Houston, TX. Together, they have 4 daughters, 4 sons, 3 son’s-in-laws and 7 grandchildren.
Joan Hunter
Session 5: Prophecy: with Jeremiah Johnson
Jeremiah Johnson has a rich history of church planting, establishing healthy ministries, and discipling five-fold ministry leaders/saints. A bestselling author of multiple books and a globally recognized prophet, Jeremiah has ministered all throughout the United States and across twenty-five foreign nations. Jeremiah is also a popular television guest on The 700 Club, Daystar, TBN, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, and GodTV. Today, Jeremiah resides in Kannapolis, NC where he oversees The Altar Global, The Altar School, and The Ark Fellowship.
Jeremiah Johnson
Session 6: Faith: with Patricia King
Patricia King is a respected apostolic and prophetic minister, an inventive entrepreneur, spiritual mentor, and a true mother in the faith. She is committed to loving God, loving people, and advancing the Kingdom through media, missions, events and outreach. Patricia King Ministries promotes the character and nature of Jesus Christ through the in-dwelling grace of Holy Spirit. She believes God’s light belongs in the darkness, shining the life and hope of Jesus to those who long to know Him.
Patricia King
Session 7: Stirring Up Your Spiritual Gifts: with James Goll
Dr. James W. Goll is the founder of God Encounters Ministries and GOLL Ideation LLC. He has traveled the world sharing the love of Jesus, imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry and life in the Spirit. He has recorded numerous classes with corresponding study guides and is the author of numerous books, including The Seer, The Lost Art of Intercession, The Lifestyle of a Prophet, Praying with God’s Heart and The Discerner. James is the father of four wonderful adult married children with a growing number of grandchildren, and continues to make his home in Franklin, TN.
Dr. James W. Goll
Session 8: Word of Knowledge & Word of Wisdom: with Jerame Nelson
Jerame Nelson is the founder of Elisha Revolution. He is an author, as well as a well-known international conference speaker & a revivalist to the nations. It's Jerame's passion to equip the body of Christ in the areas of hearing God's voice, as well as walking in the supernatural power of God in everyday life. Jerame and his wife, Miranda, live in San Diego, California, where they are currently hosting the Fire & Glory Outpouring.
Jerame Nelson
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How this class Works
This 8-session LIVE class officially starts on September 20 and ends November 8, 2023.

Each session will be about two hours long, with a time of sharing and a prayer for activation.
The 8 sessions:
  • Session 1: Bishop Bill Hamon (Sept 20 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • ​Session 2: Becca Greenwood (Sept 27 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • Session 3: Joshua Mills (Oct 4 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • Session 4: Joan Hunter (Oct 11 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • Session 5: Jeremiah Johnson (Oct 18 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • Session 6: Patricia King (Oct 25 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • ​Session 7: Dr. James W. Goll (Nov 1 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • Session 8: Jerame Nelson (Nov 8 at 4 pm Eastern)
Each session includes:
  • A live broadcast and video replay
  • ​An MP3 audio recording
  • ​A study guide
  • ​A PowerPoint
  • ​A transcript
Spiritual Gifts
If you miss any or all of the LIVE sessions, that is okay because we will post the replays on the Teachable member site.

You will have LIFETIME access to the private member site with video and audio replays, transcripts, study guides, PowerPoints, and relevant bonus resources to reinforce and supplement what you are learning during the weekly sessions.

You can easily participate in this training from the comfort of your own home, your office, or wherever you happen to be in the world! All you need is a phone, tablet, or computer with a reasonably fast internet connection.
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You’ll also receive the following
50% Cash Savings
The normal retail price for this LIVE 8-Session Class and all associated resources is $800. However, you receive a $400 savings, making your price only $400.
Cash Savings
63% Cash Savings
(Must sign up by sept 17)
The normal retail price for this LIVE 8-Session Class and all associated resources is $800. However, you receive a $500 savings, making your price only $300.
Cash Savings
bonus class
Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today
12-Lesson Class with Dr. James W. Goll
(Must sign up by September 13)
God desires to pour His gifts on you with even greater degrees of impact and authority!

In this class, you will discover what the Lord will do for and through you as you release His spiritual gifts today in an outpouring of His love, grace, and power.
Uncover the transformative power of spiritual gifts in this 12-lesson class as you delve into the essence of God's grace. 

No doubt you will feel a resonance with certain gifts, igniting a sense of purpose and anticipation for your spiritual journey. With newfound insight, you will be equipped to navigate your path with divine direction and embrace a life empowered by God's love, grace, and bestowed blessings.
  • Lesson 1: What Are the Spiritual Gifts?
  • Lesson 2: How the Holy Spirit Moves
  • Lesson 3: Exercising Spiritual Gifts
  • Lesson 4: The Gift of Discerning of Spirits
  • Lesson 5: The Gift of a Word of Wisdom
  • Lesson 6: The Gift of a Word of Knowledge
  • Lesson 7: The Gift of Faith
  • ​​Lesson 8: The Gifts of Healings
  • Lesson 9: The Workings of Miracles
  • Lesson 10: The Gift of Various Kinds of Tongues
  • Lesson 11: The Gift of Interpretation of Tongues
  • Lesson 12: The Gift of Prophecy
Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today
Book by James w. Goll—Shipped free anywhere in the world!
(Must sign up by September 10)
Embark on a journey of discovery and explore the intricate workings of the spiritual gifts!

Through rich narratives and real-life examples, you will unveil the potential of each gift, gaining insights into their historical and contemporary relevance. With clear guidance, you will learn how to activate these gifts in your daily life, amplifying your connection with the Holy Spirit. Whether you're a novice or seasoned in spiritual matters, you can immerse yourself in this illuminating book to unlock the grace and power of spiritual gifts like never before.

bonus book
bonus teaching
Increasing in the Anointing
4 Audio Teachings with 
Dr. James W. Goll
(Must sign up by September 7)
This teaching will lead you on a journey of spiritual growth as you delve into the dynamic relationship between divine grace and human effort. 

Discover the power of humility, deepening your connection with the Holy Spirit, and finding balance between supernatural empowerment and personal character development. You’ll uncover the dangers of misconceptions and pride, while gaining practical insights to effectively walk in the anointing. 

With relatable stories, biblical wisdom, and practical advice, you'll navigate the intricacies of the anointing and reflect God's presence in your life and ministry.
  • Teaching 1: Understanding the Anointing
  • Teaching 2: Moving in the Anointing
  • Teaching 3: The Deception of the Anointing
  • Teaching 4: Cooperating with the Anointing
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Awesome Testimonies
This class will empower you to walk in the full power of your giftings!
I am so encouraged by the way James Goll lets the spirit lead and does not hold back from releasing everything the Lord has revealed to him! — Z.N.

James' teachings are so enlightening! This teaching has been confirmation from God that I am being called to step out in faith in the gift of prophecy. — M.C.

I was so impacted by the truth James shared that we cannot lose the gift or gifts God has given, and his reminder to not compare what the Lord has given me with others around me.  — C.S.
Every time I hear James teach I am so blessed to be submersed in the company of apostles, prophets, and a ministry filled with the Holy Spirit — S.L.

I loved learning from James the difference between a word of wisdom and the spirit of wisdom. — W.F.

It is always so full of life when Dr. James Goll goes off script and shares what the Holy Spirit is revealing to him. It wouldn't be a James Goll session without a little spontaneity. — C.H.
Summary OF wHAT yOU gET
summary of what you get
8 LIVE Speaker Sessions
  • Session 1: Bishop Bill Hamon (Sept 20 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • ​Session 2: Becca Greenwood (Sept 27 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • Session 3: Joshua Mills (Oct 4 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • Session 4: Joan Hunter (Oct 11 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • Session 5: Jeremiah Johnson (Oct 18 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • Session 6: Patricia King (Oct 25 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • Session 7: Dr. James W. Goll (Nov 1 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • ​Session 8: Jerame Nelson (Nov 8 at 4 pm Eastern)
  • 50% savings: $400 instead of $800
  • 75% savings: $300 instead of $800 (sign up by Sept 17)
  • Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today – 12-Lesson Class with Dr. James W. Goll (sign up by Sep 13)
  • Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today – Book by Dr. James W. Goll — shipped free anywhere in the world! (sign up by Sept 10)
  • Increasing in the Anointing - 4 Audio Teachings with Dr. James W. Goll (sign up by Sep 7)
Additional benefits
  • LIFETIME class access
  • ​Video replays
  • ​MP3 audio
  • ​Transcripts
  • ​Study guides
  • ​PowerPoints
The Empower 2000 Guarantee
This life-transforming class will empower you to confidently steward the gifts you’ve been given, receive an increase of the presence and power of God, and walk confidently in your Spirit-led calling .

If you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of when the class starts and we will either reconcile the problem or gladly refund all your money.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Guaranteed!
Money Back 30-Day Guarantee
Spiritual Gifts
growing in your 
spiritual gifts
Priority Order Form
YES! I want to walk confidently in my 
Spirit-led calling!
And receive all the class bonuses and benefits.
Prior to enrolling, please review our Class Cancellation Policy.
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Option 2: Mentoring with James Goll
Best Value!
Receive the Spiritual Gifts class, plus all the exclusive member benefits…
  • Receive 3 LIVE Classes and 3 BONUS Classes each year
  • ​Join Quarterly Zoom Calls with James Goll featuring a Spirit-led teaching and small group connection
  • ​Receive fresh encouragement from a quarterly email and “God Story” video
  • ​Save 50% on ALL James Goll classes with Empower 2000 not included in your membership
  • ​Connect with other members in the “Mentoring with James Goll Family” online community
  • ​Submit personal prayer requests to be prayed over by our trained team
Mentoring with James Goll requires a minimum 12-month commitment.
After 12 months, your membership will continue until you choose to cancel it.
Prior to enrolling, please carefully read our
Cancellation and Refund Policy regarding your 12-month commitment.
Note: There is no need to re-enroll in the membership if you are a current member of Mentoring with James Goll.
Are you a Mentoring with James Goll or Empower Disciples member?
Save 50% on this class:
  • Log into your Teachable account.
  • ​Open your course for “Mentoring with James Goll” or “Empower Disciples”.
  • ​Go to the “50% Discount” page.
  • ​Copy your member exclusive coupon code.
  • ​Apply the code at checkout for a 50% discount.
Blessings to walk confidently in your Spirit-led calling!
Dr. James W. Goll
God Encounters Ministries
James W. Goll
James W. Goll is the founder of God Encounters Ministries and GOLL Ideation LLC. He has traveled the world sharing the love of Jesus, imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry and life in the Spirit. He has recorded numerous classes with corresponding study guides and is the author of numerous books, including The Seer, The Lost Art of Intercession, The Lifestyle of a Prophet, Praying with God’s Heart and The Discerner. James is the father of four wonderful adult married children with a growing number of grandchildren, and continues to make his home in Franklin, TN.
Growing in your spiritual gifts
Copyright 2023 Empower 2000. All rights reserved.